FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-28 16:36:49 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
bd92f1ab-690c-11ee-9ed0-001fc69cd6dc11/libX11 multiple vulnerabilities

The X.Org project reports:

CVE-2023-43785: out-of-bounds memory access in _XkbReadKeySyms()
When libX11 is processing the reply from the X server to the XkbGetMap request, if it detected the number of symbols in the new map was less than the size of the buffer it had allocated, it always added room for 128 more symbols, instead of the actual size needed. While the _XkbReadBufferCopyKeySyms() helper function returned an error if asked to copy more keysyms into the buffer than there was space allocated for, the caller never checked for an error and assumed the full set of keysyms was copied into the buffer and could then try to read out of bounds when accessing the buffer. libX11 1.8.7 has been patched to both fix the size allocated and check for error returns from _XkbReadBufferCopyKeySyms().
CVE-2023-43786: stack exhaustion in XPutImage
When splitting a single line of pixels into chunks that fit in a single request (not using the BIG-REQUESTS extension) to send to the X server, the code did not take into account the number of bits per pixel, so would just loop forever finding it needed to send more pixels than fit in the given request size and not breaking them down into a small enough chunk to fit. An XPM file was provided that triggered this bug when loaded via libXpm's XpmReadFileToPixmap() function, which in turn calls XPutImage() and hit this bug.
CVE-2023-43787: integer overflow in XCreateImage() leading to a heap overflow
When creating an image, there was no validation that the multiplication of the caller-provided width by the visual's bits_per_pixel did not overflow and thus result in the allocation of a buffer too small to hold the data that would be copied into it. An XPM file was provided that triggered this bug when loaded via libXpm's XpmReadFileToPixmap() function, which in turn calls XCreateImage() and hit this bug.i

Discovery 2023-09-22
Entry 2023-10-12
< 1.8.7
